Sunday, June 29, 2014

Behind These Hazel Eyes

My Trigeminal Neuralgia went full blown Type 2 in April of 2007. I would awake pain free but would be hit hard with stabbing pains in the left eye. I saw my eye doctor, my eyes were fine. She theorized that my 5th nerve was inflamed, Trigeminal Neuralgia. She was the only doctor I saw for the next five years that had it right and I saw ear/nose/throat specialist, chiropractor, and a neurologist to name a few.

Late 2010 or early 2011 I went in for a yearly check up with my eye doctor. My right eye passed the field vision test, but my left eye, my TN side, didn’t. I went back every now and then to take retake the test free of charge. The left eye kept bombing as if it were a B-2 Stealth Bomber carpet bombing Baghdad during ‘Shock and Awe’. Every result was different; my doctor couldn’t determine what the cause was due to the varying results.

I started noticing I was seeing halos at night. I knew that it was something I shouldn’t ignore, glaucoma ran in the family. Mercifully my left eye decided to be kind and passed the silly field vision test. I was sent to see an eye specialist.

Pressure was fine, but the size of my optical nerves indicated that I might have glaucoma. I told him about what was happening with my pain, straight neck, and my TMD. Five months later I was finally diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. Yes, I am a mess.

2013 I returned for my annual exam for the eye specialist. Pressure was fine and the optical nerves were still the same. I informed him that I had been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. He stated that might be why my nerves were the size that they are, but I still needed to come back due to my family history. Not a problem.

May 2014 I returned with my bodacious wife. Pressure was fine and my optical nerves were still the same size. I asked him if my TN had anything to do with the size of my nerves. He flatly stated that they were unrelated. Huh?

As I write this I’m still confused, I’m confused even more when I read about other TN suffers having vision issues. It makes me wonder how many of us do have vision issues.

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