Monday, October 27, 2014


Shakespeare is a fourteen year old grey tabby. He’s my TN buddy. My wife and I adopted from the Indian River Human Society in August of 2005. We were walking amongst the cat condos when came across his. He had his back towards us as we read his name, me being the goofball that I am quoted the Bard himself, “To be or not to be.” Shakespeare turned around and meowed, that was that.

He has this uncanny ability to sense whenever I’m having an excruciating Trigeminal Neuralgia attack. No matter where I lie down to ride out the attack, he’ll find me. Shaky will ball up at my head or feet. He’ll stay there until he senses the pain’s ebbing or I get up. He is an amazing empathic kitty.

Now it’s time for us to return the favor. Shakespeare has a growth on his right side, it’s small and hard. He’ll undergo surgery on Wednesday. The vet will remove it along with surrounding skin. This type of cancer shoots off tendrils and she wants to get all of it.

Please remember him in your prayers. Thank you.

A righteous man regards the life of his animal. Proverbs 12:10

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