Tuesday, August 23, 2016


I thought I was getting a firmer grasp on my TN pain, however, the last two weeks I have regressed. I have awoken to pain in my scalp, my main weakness; I can't fake a smile like I do lots of times or be productive, everyone knows I'm in pain. I can do nothing until the pain decides its done enough damage and radiates from my crown. Nothing will touch it, including cannabis.

I can eat broccoli, pineapple, or tart cherries and within minutes, if not seconds, the TN pain radiates to my temple, eye, or ear. But not this time, nothing worked. Walking did work, but to a point; pain would always rush back to the scalp. I tried applying peppermint oil to my scalp, but my mutinous body adjusted a few days later. I tried Bengay, my body rebelled after one application.

Late in the afternoon the ornery pain would finally come down to where I can take an over-the-counter pill to dull or briefly extinguish the pain so I could sleep, but would awake to pain once again in the scalp.

My wife reminded me of the sandwiches we had been eating a lunch and a light bulb went on, nitrates; a migraine trigger for me. Yuck. We stopped eating sandwiches and the pain is decreasing in intensity, but I'm still awakening to pain in the scalp. Hopefully the pain will subside in a few days.

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