Thursday, September 28, 2017

End Times Story Update

I originally wanted to write a piece debunking the teaching that the Revelation 12 sign was going to occur on September 23, 2017; triggering the Rapture. Every time I attempted to get my thoughts together and jot them down something stopped me. When I did have the time nothing flowed, I couldn’t capture my thoughts. I realized God was saying, “No.” Thus I stopped.

I prayed what to write next, continue my Trigeminal Neuralgia Trilogy with my USN fighter pilot Ryan Wolf or write my fourth installment of the Chronicles of Pumpkindom where my pumpkin character was to exterminate 2016 (A spoof of the New Year’s Eve shows).

A few days later I saw Ryan flying his forward swept wing stealth fighter through a fiery fireball shower. I was a bit taken aback; my character was in the Ezekiel 38 & 39 battle. I thought it odd since he was a Christian. However, I jotted the idea down and left it there to explore at a future date.

I really wanted to write PK Executes 2016, I had a strong outline and was chomping at the bit to get it finished by October. However, something happened along the way. My creativity dried up, the harder I tried outlining or writing, nothing happened. My muse was shot. I couldn’t do anything; looking back I know God turned off my imagination spigot.

Weeks later I was sitting in church, the praise team was leading the singing. I heard an inaudible voice ask, “What about that story?”

I hung my head and replied, “Yes, Lord. I’ll start it.” I felt better but a wave of nervousness washed over me. I know all about the warning Revelation 22: 18-19, not to add or take way from the book. I was apprehensive, but I still proceeded.

I outlined the story, told friends what I was doing; suddenly the apprehension and nervousness turned into excitement. When I started writing the creativity flowed again; God had turned my imagination spigot back on. At times I was overwhelmed with the mighty flow of creativity. I prayed that God would allow the Holy Spirit to bring back the ideas to my mind when the time came. He did; hallelujah!

The story is still untitled; it’s over 23,000 words and has 10 chapters. I’m stopping now, right after the Sixth Seal. I want to relook at my outline and plan out the Seventh Seal through the Sixth Trumpet and pray for more guidance. I have a major battle planned between US Forces; one Israel friendly, the other is aligned with the Anti-Christ. I want to do it justice because Ryan, his squadron, and the crew of the Enterprise (Ford Class Carrier) won’t be able to go home after that.

Lastly, I don’t care if you’re pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib; I’m not going to throw stones at you because we differ at bit on eschatology. If you don’t believe, I won’t throw stones at you either.