Sunday, November 30, 2014

NaNoWriMo Comes to an End

I finally entered NaNoWriMo, albeit two weeks late, but I still joined! It was all courtesy of a swift kick in the behind by a good friend. I knew I wasn’t going to win by writing a 50,000 word story, my goal was 25,000 and I succeeded! I had a grand total of 26,048 words, that’s 26,048 more words than I’ve written in all of 2014.

My muse has returned! The past few years it had hid on me, I couldn’t write in the morning like I used to and my writing suffered immensely. I have been able to write consistently in the past few weeks. I finished a story I started last Christmas, nearly finished a Halloween story I started in August 2013 and resuscitated many stagnant projects.

1126 Tomcat Way (E) rough draft is ready to be edited for Christmas 2014. I’ll add another story to it for future use. Tomcat Way is 14 pages and 5,670 words long.

Mighty Melinda Meets PK (R) flowed like water. It was the first story in years that I didn’t have to slave over. It, too, is ready for editing; its 23 pages and 10,352 words long.

Zombie Shark (PG/PG-13) was going to be my 2013 Halloween story before it hit the proverbial brick wall. Once I finished MMMPK I went back to it. I figured out how to fill in the missing pieces leading up to the climatic ending. Zombie Shark is currently 14 pages and 5,980 words long.

Ryan’s Mighty New Year (R) continues after the events of Ryan’s Mighty Christmas. Mighty Melinda and Ryan team up once again to solve an unearthly mystery. It is currently seven pages long and 3,312 words long.

I started Donut Bandito in 2007; it was nice, but not near ready for Prime Time. I renamed it NCIS: Miami, but kept the plot nearly the same. However, I still may jettison most of the story and only keep the first few pages and start afresh.

This past Saturday I went to the Vero Beach NaNoWriMo meeting. I learned a lot about writing, the publishing process, and writing programs. I did learn that I have enough short stories to put them all together for a novel or I could split them up and form a series. They were amazed how I’m taking my Trigeminal Neuralgia pain and using it for good with a few of my short stories.

The skies the limit, I look forward to the future or writing and spreading Trigeminal Neuralgia awareness.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


I'm still around, I've been very busy writing. I've written 25,000+ words the past two weeks. I'm not going to win NaNoWriMo, I need 50,000+ by tomorrow. I started two weeks late, but I've written 25,000+ more words than I have all year. Plus my muse has returned! I'll be writing more Trigeminal Neuralgia stories as well incorporating TN into them.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Shakespeare Update

Shakespeare came out of his surgery alright. The cancer was successfully removed. The biopsy results came back last Wednesday, it was a low grade cancer with no signs of tendrils! He was so happy that he successfully removed the collar they gave him! We put it back on and he removed it again! He's such a cool cat.

There has been a bump in the road. Yesterday he started walking funny, at times he dragged his back legs. He can't climb the steps we got him so he could lie next to me when I have a nasty Trigeminal Neuralgia attack, but that's not stopping him. He's still in good spirits. He defiantly walks around the house at times.

He's having his stitches removed today. Hopefully we'll find out why his current condition started.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Congratulations to Oregon, Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Guam for passing their Marijuana initiatives. Slumbering Americans are awakening from the lies that have been spread for over the past 70 years.

However, Tuesday night was a disappointment in Florida. Amendment 2 needed 60% of the vote to pass, it only received 58%. The Vote No on 2 crowd erupted into ecstasy, claiming that this was going to turn the tide against marijuana legalization in the United States.

Something happened that night which turned their celebration into a Pyrrhic one. Amendment 2 received more votes than Governor Rick Scott. The same for Pam Bondi and Adam Putnam; the vote had crossed racial, religious, and party lines. Conservative talk show hosts picked up on this Wednesday morning, much to the chagrin of the No crowd. The vote was heard in Tallahassee, there’s little doubt across Florida that marijuana will be passed in 2016.

Keep the faith, 42 percent is bound to hurt. Plus Christians, I’m one, can’t conveniently keep forgetting things they’ve been taught, like love and compassion. Some of them will become outraged when they learn that their leaders didn’t tell them the movement was backed by a casino magnate and their spokesperson is a doctor that performs abortions.

In closing this was the last election I voted as a Republican. 2016 I will either vote Independent or Libertarian.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stuart Air Show

I attended the Stuart airshow last Saturday, yes, I'm a glutton for Trigeminal Neuralgia punishment. I wasn't feeling so hot due to a cold front that had pushed through and another was pushing in. I can say that the F-22 Raptor can pierce your eardrum more than what a F/A-18 Hornet could ever do. I survived the airshow, but barely. My eyes were a little glassy as we left the show. I took two Excedrin Migraine pills; wasn't feeling so hot the next morning, but it was worth it.