Monday, October 27, 2014


Shakespeare is a fourteen year old grey tabby. He’s my TN buddy. My wife and I adopted from the Indian River Human Society in August of 2005. We were walking amongst the cat condos when came across his. He had his back towards us as we read his name, me being the goofball that I am quoted the Bard himself, “To be or not to be.” Shakespeare turned around and meowed, that was that.

He has this uncanny ability to sense whenever I’m having an excruciating Trigeminal Neuralgia attack. No matter where I lie down to ride out the attack, he’ll find me. Shaky will ball up at my head or feet. He’ll stay there until he senses the pain’s ebbing or I get up. He is an amazing empathic kitty.

Now it’s time for us to return the favor. Shakespeare has a growth on his right side, it’s small and hard. He’ll undergo surgery on Wednesday. The vet will remove it along with surrounding skin. This type of cancer shoots off tendrils and she wants to get all of it.

Please remember him in your prayers. Thank you.

A righteous man regards the life of his animal. Proverbs 12:10

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Something a little different today.

I was nominated on Facebook to list my top ten music albums. I don’t listen to music albums much anymore, but I do listen to movie scores/soundtracks as well as instrumental music when I write. I listen to lots of different music to get me into the mood of writing, so many favorites that I can’t list them all. I hope this will meet the challenge rules.

1. Star Trek III. Simply my favorite. Stealing the Enterprise, Return to Vulcan, and the Main title; I close my eyes and I’m in another world.

2. Transformers-2007. Scorponok easily sets the mood for a battle scene.

3. Star Trek-2009. Welcome back Star Trek! Love Enterprising Young Men.

4. Spider-Man-2002. My bread-n-butter option when I was writing in Galaxy Wars.

5. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. John Williams…‘Nuff said.

6. Ace Combat 04-this is not an album per se, it’s from a video game. I listen to various pieces on You Tube when I’m writing. Agnus Dei is the grand finale of the game and it’s epic. Northern Eye is another favorite from the game.

7. Vanessa Mae-Violin Player. Before Lindsey Stirling there was Vanessa Mae.

8. Iron Man. Repeatedly played this in 2008, Driving with the Top Down...

9. Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Don’t listen to it much anymore, perhaps I should. Might give my creativity a swift kick in the fanny.

10. Independence Day. Listened to this during the twilight of my drawing days.

Honorable Mention: Mannheim Steamroller. Great for Christmas stories! Lastly the Piano Guys, can’t list them in the Top 10 since I’ve only been listening to them for a few months.

In closing I can safely say I nearly drive my wife insane when I listen to my music. I would like to thank her for not killing me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 1973

The more I wrote, the longer this became. I hate when that happens, so I just stopped.

I was five on this date, I’m not 100% sure of the date, but I’m positive it is correct. The night of October 15, 1973 changed my life. I can recall bits and pieces of it and place all the clues together; of course, my beloved Miami Dolphins would play a part in it.

The fateful night started off with dad, mom, my sister, and I gathered around the family TV. We watched two Hogan’s Heroes reruns on WCIX, it was the family tradition. 8 o’clock came and it was time for bed.

Sometime during the evening my parents awoke me and took me outside to see a UH-1 Iroquois helicopter hovering over our next door neighbor’s house. We would see the thundering Hueys all the time while we fished in the Everglades, this was the first time I actually saw one this close. I smiled as I watched it hovered. It flew away; mom and dad took me back in not knowing of the excitement that would be taking place.

Hours later I fell out of bed, hitting the hard terrazzo bedroom floor with my forehead, splitting it wide open. My parents rushed me to Hialeah hospital. I remember lying on a table with a cloth over my face. I could see light filtering through the cloth as the doctor talked to me. I didn’t feel a thing as he stitched up my wound and talked about the Dolphins. The night was bad, but the future ramifications of the fall would be excruciating.

I didn’t go to school the next day. I had a big bandage plastered over my forehead as I watched from the dining room as my mom waved the school bus away. I’m guessing around 10 o’clock that morning she stated that the Miami Herald paper didn’t show up; she wanted to read up on the Dolphin game. She called the Herald and they sent a paper to the house.

My Dolphins wore aqua and played in a stadium I didn’t recognize. Years later I did, it was the old Cleveland Stadium. I searched the date and the game was played on October 15, 1973. I already knew Miami won 17-9.

One year later I started to stutter in class. I wondered what was wrong with me. I couldn’t stop. I still stutter to this day, though not as bad. The stuttering hurt, but I would rather stammer the rest of my life and not have Trigeminal Neuralgia.

2009 I discovered my neck didn’t bow, 2011 I didn’t know how severe my injuries were until I saw a new chiropractor. Along with my neck not bowing, my jaw was severely out of alignment, which I already knew, TMD, temporomandibular joint dysfunction. However, I didn’t know my jaw stuck out 55 millimeters more than what it should. The fulcrum of this painful axis was my left TMJ; the inflammation conspired with all these to drive my trigeminal nerve insane.

The past 38 years became nearly crystal clear. I knew I never should’ve played football, the pain I felt when tackling was near blinding, but I thought it was normal. The headaches made sense as well as the agonizing pain behind my left eye and becoming dizzy while singing in church. Months later I was officially diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and things were finally crystal clear.

I am now on week seven of my first twelve weeks of intense therapy. I can feel a difference. The TN pain is not as strong, but it seems I’m getting more headaches. I can live with those in the short time, a TN/ATN attack is pure misery.

Don’t stop believing, hope floats eternal.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Shakespeare, my TN buddy, is ready for Int'l Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day!